09 April 2008

Lizzie's Lifesavers

My cousin, Kim Wilson, has invited me to join her daughter, Lizzie Wilson, on Lizzie's Lifesavers. LL is a team of walkers who plan to walk in the Crohn's and Colitis foundation walk a thon. The walk will raise money for digestive disease research. Hopefully, they can find a cure in our life times.

The walk will be held on May 31st in Philadelphia. I am looking forward to walking with Lizzie to find a cure!! If you would like to donate to our cause please click the following link!


06 April 2008

What a weekend!

What a beautiful weekend it was. We hiked on Saturday and I got some pictures of Canadian geese. We also saw some wild turkeys.

On Sunday Jack tried to fly a kite and Pete and i pruned an apple tree. I also cleared an area in the woods directly behind our house to put some minerals out for the deer. Hopefully, we will get to see some wildlife out our backdoor. The weather couldn't be better. We enjoyed spending time outdoors this weekend!

02 April 2008

Black Bear from Flickr

I found this photo on flickr.com and thought it would be worth adding to my collection. thank you to the great photographers at flickr.com