26 July 2008

Week at Bible School

Hi! jack and I have just returned from a week at Vacation Bible School at our old church (Advent Lutheran Church in Harleysville PA). We attended with Sophie my niece and my sister Shirl. I was slated to help out as a photographer, a job I could handle. At the last minute the lady in charge of recreation got sick and they had me fill in there. (Yikes 80 kids to entertain each day) Thank goodness for a great teenager, Austin Shollenberger, he had done it before and knew what to do to entertain the kiddies!

Tuesday I had a Dr. appointment so I missed the festivities at Bible School. We had dinner with my other sister Karen, Perry and Aiden. We went to the Greshville Inn and had a great time visiting.

On Wednesday Jack went to spend some time with John and Joan Feldi and they went on a creek walk with Michah. Jack said that was his highlight. I watched at her horse riding lesson where she was riding Molly. I also delivered some antler mounts for Pete to my cousin Tom. I dropped them off at his parents house and visited with Harold and Jean for a short time. Then it was off to meet with some other people about a gas lease.

Thursday we got together with our cousins at my Aunt Edie's house. We had a swim party and a great time was had by everybody catching up on the things going on in our lives. We also got a cool picture of a butterfly.

When we returned to Shirl's house Uncle Jay was waiting to go to Sonic. Sonic is a drive in burger restaurant. We had a good time pressing the button and asking for more food! I 'm not sure I would like to eat in the car all that often. It was certainly a novelty.

On Friday we headed home to prepare for Bible school at St. Pauls lutheran church in Tunkhannock!

08 July 2008

New Additions to our Family

Wow! I can't believe it! For the first time ever I am a cat owner. We had 2 beautiful kittens dropped off at our house today by a friend of mine! Welcome Mickey and Missy to the Waldenberger household! Pepper got along great with the kitties! I can't believe it! I guess we will have to call these two the Girlz! ( Since Bob Wilber has the Boyz)

03 July 2008

Uncle Gus and Jack go to Steamtown

My Aunt Carol and Uncle Gus from Maryland have arrived at my Mother's house for the 4th of July weekend. Uncle Gus has brought along a lot of his model railroad trains to set up with Jack. He also is planning to take Jack to Steamtown. This is a great opportunity for Jack and Uncle Gus to get a chance to get to know each other better. They both love trains and hopefully they will have a great time. ( I know that Jack was really looking forward to his time with Uncle Gus) Last night we

dropped Jack off at my Mom's house to stay for 3 days. When Carol and Gus arrived at 9:00 pm , after an all day drive, Gus and Jack started setting up the trains. Mom had to chase Jack to bed at midnight. It sounds like their adventure is off to a great start!

01 July 2008

Beautiful Summer

What beatiful weather we have been haing in Susquehanna county Pa this summer. the humidity has been bearable and we have been getting a decent amount of rain. This should make our garden very happy. I know it has been making me very happy!