28 October 2008

Here Comes Winter

Yesterday I was taking pictures of our Jack-O-Lanterns from this year and today we have a snow day!!! I was not prepared to hear that news this morning. It is not even November yet and we have had our first snow day! We may still be in school in July! This year the school board only gave us 1 day to make up snow days. All others must be added to the end of the school year!

11 October 2008


Archery season has started here in PA. I have been out 3 times already this year. That is kind of a record for me. This morning I saw a lot a deer and even had one come within range. I was even able to draw my bow on him (a nice 8 point) he just would not take that final step that would place my arrow squarely in his vitals. Instead he heard my heart beating and took off!!!

06 October 2008

Heat is ON!

We had to fire our outside wood heater up on Oct 2 this year! Our inside tempeture was only reading 62 degrees. So Pete fired up the stove and we have been toasty ever since! It will probably run through May.

01 October 2008

Autumn Kayaking

Autumn Kayaking
Originally uploaded by s_h_a_w_n_g_13

Women's Kayak weekend

Last weekend, when it rained for 3 days straight, I went on a women's kayaking adventure down the Susquehanna. I went with a friend, Tina Champlavier, and we paddled 22 miles over 3 days. The first day we went from Tunkhannock to Falls (11 miles) it rained but not terrible. Then we stayed at the lodge at Camp Lackawanna outside of Tunkhannock. The next day we paddled from Laceyville to the camp.(15 miles) The rain really came down on Saturday. We again retired to the lodge and had a lot of good food. On Sunday we did a short paddle (5 miles ) from the camp to Tunkhannock (it rained again)

the weekend was really fun and I met a lot of new people and learned a lot about kayaking!! We also saw 2 eagles. What a beatiful sight.

Back to School!

Now that it is Oct 1st I figured I better do a back to school blog! Jack has entered 3rd grade with with Mrs. Morrison. So far he has enjoyed third grade. He is in class with 2 of his buddies Jessie and Brett.

My back to school has gone well also. This year we are dismissed early on Wednesday's for teacher in service days.