22 February 2009

A Day at eagles Mere PA

This is a video of our day at Eagles Mere tobbogan slide! What a great experience. We went with Tim and Barb Henry and their son Andrew. We made 6 slides in about an hour and we had a blast!! I highly reccomend this to anyone.

16 February 2009

Shed Hunting anyone??

Well hows this for some afternoon entertainment mountain style? Jack and I went antler shed hunting and we actually found one. It is a 5 point left side antler. We found it in our woods on President's Day! I also took some other interesting photos. One is a hawk (I think) feather one is Jack and the antler at the beaver pond, and the other is ice on our very small creek. All in all a very successful walk.

01 February 2009


Originally uploaded by anglerove
Here is a photo of a Scorpion snowmobile that is very similar to the one we had growing up. We had so much fun with that machine. My Dad and I got into lots of mischief with it. Not to mention the fun I had with my friends with it. We had an old car hood we used to drag behind the sled. It might not have been the safest arrangement but it sure was fun.

We had 2 of these. One was short and light like the one in the picture and the other was long and heavy. I was always partial to the short one.

What great memories.