14 March 2008


Hello and welcome to the weekend!! Here we are looking forward to a blissful 2 days with no work. What do the days hold in store for us? How about spelling words, science projects, haircuts ands grocery shopping! Monday is looking pretty good. Just kidding. I'm sure we will fit some fun in there sometime this weekend.

I have been hard at work helping to plan the National Wild Turkey Federation annual banquet. The banquet will be held on May 10th at 5pm at the Montrose VFW. The NWTF is a great organization which has many wonderful programs. Not only is their focus on Turkey and Turkey hunting and habitat, but they also have kids, womens and disabled sportsman programs as well. Currently, the NWTF is trying to help set up an Archery in the Schools proram at Lathrop Street. Hopefully, this program , which has been successful at Choconut, will have as much success at Lathrop Street. So contact me if you would be interested in attending the banquet. There will be lots of good food, raffles, auctions and other giveaways. It promises to be a memorable evening!

1 comment:

John said...

I want to attend your turkey dinner as long as we have turkey on the menu. I would like to bring a friend who also likes turkey, but not to shoot! We would need hotel room for a nite or 2 and a Kubota tractor to ride on while visiting