04 August 2008

Prayers for mickey!

This is a prayer request for our kitten named Mickey. She has always been the small one. Over the last two weeks she started with what looked like a cold in her eyes and nose. Then she stopped eating and drinking. She has always been very quiet and not very playful. Today we took her to the vet (Dr. Robinson in South Montrose) he at first diagnosed a respritory infection. She needed to be hospitalized because she was dehydrated and had a low body temp. We stopped back to visit Mickey after we ran some errands and Dr. Bob pulled us aside and stated that he had done an x-ray and it turns out that Mickey has an enlarged heart.( I think they called it cardiomyopathy) At this point we are not sure if there is anything that we can do for Mickey so we are praying and asking for prayers that she may be healed.

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