24 May 2008

Dinner Party Success

As you can see from the photos I was not able to do my dutch Oven pot roast http://papadutch.home.comcast.net/~papadutch/dutch-oven-recipes.htm at the fire pit. It was way to windy to start a campfire. So I comprimised and did the cooking in an ash tub

by our Outdoor wood stove. In actuality I think it worked out better this way. I was closer to the kitchen and I was able to run back and forth from my real kitchen to the dutch oven with no trouble at all. The roast beef turned out very good as did the veggies! I can't wait to try the next recipe. I also baked a loaf of crusty bread in my inside dutch oven. It turned out well but I neglected to take pictures of it. You can find the recipe here http://www.motherearthnews.com/Real-Food/2007-12-01/Easy-No-Knead-Dutch-Oven-Crusty-Bread.aspx

Dutch oven Dinner Party

Today we are hosting a Dutch oven Dinner Party. This is my first shot at cooking with the camp dutch oven. So call it poor planning that I didn't schedule a practice run. I am serving Byron's Pot roast, http://papadutch.home.comcast.net/~papadutch/dutch-oven-recipes.htm find the recipe here. Also a no knead bread to be done in a dutch oven in my oven. That recipe came from Mother earth news http://www.motherearthnews.com/Real-Food/2007-12-01/Easy-No-Knead-Dutch-Oven-Crusty-Bread.aspx

Wish me well. Oh yeh I also am making an apple pie and a chocolate cake. (And i still haven't finished cleaning the house!!

22 May 2008

Dutch Oven cooking

This christmas my husband bought me a cast iron dutch oven. I have had a lot of fun cooking with it. Check out this blog for more information on Dutch oven cookinghttp://marksblackpot.blogspot.com/2008/05/dutch-oven-herb-fettuccini-with-creamy.html
In 2oo4 I went to a B.O.W.(Becoming an outdoorswoman) event that the Pa Game Commision put on. One of the classed that I took there was outdoor cooking. They showed us many campfire recipes. One of the neat things that they showed us was a camp dutch oven. It has legs and a lid with arim around it so you can cook with either hot coals or charcoal. I bought one the other day and i am planning to cook a beef stew in it for a dinner party at our house this weekend. Wish me luck!

19 May 2008

This is a photo of what happened to the hub.

Uh Oh!

All went well with the Carbide fun kart on Saturday until the hub sheared off and the tire went flying through the field! We need to make some phone calls regarding this and hopefully it will be considered warranty work! Yikes!

15 May 2008

Carbide Fun Kart

Here is a photo of our new toy! This was a reward for Jack for doing so well in school for the last 3 years! We hope to have a lot of fun with this cart! Jack's legs need to grow a few more inches to reach the pedals!! looks like fun dosen't it?


On May 14, 2008 the Springville Hornets had a game against the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Jack was batting 3rd in the lineup. After much coaching to keep his feet in the batters box and to go out there swinging he finally made contact with the ball and got a fair hit. The ball was fielded to first base and he was out there. We were so excited for his success. We are looking forward to him getting a hit and getting on base! Go Hornets!!!

08 May 2008

May brings baseball and lots of baseball!! Jack has baseball practice Tuesdays and Thursdays and games on Wednesdays and Sundays. So until mid June we will be spending a lot of time at the baseball field. I , for one, really enjoy watching the games and also watching as Jack learns so much and becomes a better player. This photo is of Jack from last year when he played on the Phillies. This year he is a Hornet! I hope to post some new pictures soon!

School is also winding down. Next week we need to prepare the Activity banquet. Then it is only 3 short weeks until summer vacation. One thing is for sure you can sure get used to working the school schedule!

This weekend we will be attending th NWTF hunting heritage banquet. I am very curious to see

what it will be like. It is also Mother's day. My Mom plans to attend Jack's game on Sunday.