08 May 2008

May brings baseball and lots of baseball!! Jack has baseball practice Tuesdays and Thursdays and games on Wednesdays and Sundays. So until mid June we will be spending a lot of time at the baseball field. I , for one, really enjoy watching the games and also watching as Jack learns so much and becomes a better player. This photo is of Jack from last year when he played on the Phillies. This year he is a Hornet! I hope to post some new pictures soon!

School is also winding down. Next week we need to prepare the Activity banquet. Then it is only 3 short weeks until summer vacation. One thing is for sure you can sure get used to working the school schedule!

This weekend we will be attending th NWTF hunting heritage banquet. I am very curious to see

what it will be like. It is also Mother's day. My Mom plans to attend Jack's game on Sunday.

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