24 May 2008

Dinner Party Success

As you can see from the photos I was not able to do my dutch Oven pot roast http://papadutch.home.comcast.net/~papadutch/dutch-oven-recipes.htm at the fire pit. It was way to windy to start a campfire. So I comprimised and did the cooking in an ash tub

by our Outdoor wood stove. In actuality I think it worked out better this way. I was closer to the kitchen and I was able to run back and forth from my real kitchen to the dutch oven with no trouble at all. The roast beef turned out very good as did the veggies! I can't wait to try the next recipe. I also baked a loaf of crusty bread in my inside dutch oven. It turned out well but I neglected to take pictures of it. You can find the recipe here http://www.motherearthnews.com/Real-Food/2007-12-01/Easy-No-Knead-Dutch-Oven-Crusty-Bread.aspx

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